LIC volunteers donate around 3,000 combined hours each year!
LIC volunteers organize all club activities and maintain our clubhouse, marina, grounds, trails and garden. We provide dances, activities, meetings, food service for events; pick up litter on our section of the KP Highway; and support the charitable activities of The Longbranch Foundation.
From event setup, to lawn mowing, to serving on committees, to making a commitment as an elected member of our Board of Directors - there are so many ways for volunteers to contribute.
Find up-to-date volunteer opportunities in our latest monthly newsletter!
Our Events Steering Committee plans and produces everything from concerts and dances to Fiber Arts, Trunk-or-Treat and Christmas activities.
The Events Committee meets on a monthly basis. Please see our calendar for the time and place of the next meeting.
Everyone is welcome, especially if you have ideas, experience or talents about events. There's always a way to volunteer!
Our large historic A-frame clubhouse on seven acres requires lots of ongoing care.
We welcome all volunteers to help brighten up our beloved historic clubhouse, grounds and nature trails - especially volunteers with handy skills like landscapers, gardeners, painters, carpenters, electricians, and more.
Our new Centennial Garden also needs planting, weeding and harvesting. There's always something to be done!
The very active and well-established Marina committee makes recommendations to the LIC Board regarding governance, operations and maintenance of our valuable floating enterprise. The committee welcomes ideas from members and guests — and especially welcomes volunteers who help keep our docks afloat and in good repair.
You don't have to be a boater to volunteer for the Marina Committee! Marina Calendar